
What is intuitive eating and how can our nutritionists help you change this habit?

Essentially, we are all born as intuitive beings. As infants, we are mostly unconcerned with the nuances of macronutrients and micronutrients. We eat when we’re hungry. When we’re full, we stop eating (and usually fall asleep). Cognitively, we aren’t even aware of the concept of hunger or that choices exist on how to satisfy it until a later developmental process. Also, we blissfully remain unaware of others’ opinions about our habits and weight.

Intuitive eating embraces this simple and direct approach by prioritizing your internal signals above external food rules.

Our nutritionists and health & wellness trainers will work with you to help change this habit that negatively impacts not only your appearance but also your health.

The goal isn’t to change the numbers on the scale but to transform our relationship with our bodies – and with food.

Intuitive eating is a lifestyle based on the principle that you should eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re satisfied. Sounds simple, right? While the idea seems simple, we’re all tired of constant instructions about what to eat, when, and how much. If you want to lose weight, improve your diet, or shape your body, MajaMayo therapists and nutritionists will help you achieve your desired goal through the process of lifestyle habit changes.

What education do MajaMayo therapists have in nutrition and dietetics?

Our nutrition therapists hold degrees from accredited institutions and universities, such as master’s degrees in food technology, Harvard Medical School, an Executive Education diploma in nutrition, and a Mayo Clinic certificate in health counseling. They also have additional training in functional medicine and expertise in functional nutrition and lifestyle, which means they can collaborate with our physicians to find the best way to address the root causes of symptoms through diet, exercise, stress management, and emotional well-being.

Most of our therapists study the science of behavior change and motivational interviewing as part of their academic programs or additional certifications. This allows them to best support clients in making long-term lifestyle changes that will benefit them in achieving their health and well-being goals.

Furthermore, each health therapist at MajaMayo Center undergoes extensive training during their integration into the team, regardless of their prior education.
This training includes:

• A 12-week clinical program with in-depth educational modules on topics such as the gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, autoimmunity, women’s hormone health and fertility, cardiometabolic health, and mental health, taught from both the physician and health therapist perspectives.

• Learning modules on how to understand the flow of client visits, case study observation, and independent case simulation under the guidance of a practitioner. They are evaluated on these cases and have live discussions with mentors about their performance.

• Thorough testing of their knowledge at the end of the training.

How do we help you improve your mood through nutrition?

When someone is feeling down, what’s the first question you ask? For most people, it’s “Are you okay?” or “What happened?” But with increasing research on the link between diet and mental health, a better question might be “What did you eat?”

It’s long been known that what we eat impacts our physical health. Now there’s strong evidence showing that diet and mental health are also tightly connected. In fact, there’s a clear correlation between our diet and our mood.

Several studies have established a connection between what we eat and how we feel.

A meta-analysis examining 21 studies from 10 countries found that a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids was associated with a reduced risk of depression. A 2019 study investigating the diet of older adults found a link between anxiety and high sugar intake. A small yet significant 2017 study found that dietary counseling was more effective than social support when paired with depression treatment.

Health&Wellness coaching

How can therapy with a Health & Wellness therapist benefit you?

A) Assistance with weight loss or improving your relationship with your body or food

B) Guidance in career development or change

C) Feeling greater life satisfaction

D) Improvement in mental health, sleep, or diet

E) Enhancement of personal relationships or communication skills

F) Overcoming failures, sadness, or life challenges

What education do MajaMayo Health & Wellness therapists have?

Our health therapists hold respected credentials such as registered Mayo Clinic wellness & health coach certifications, master’s degrees in food technology, Harvard Medical School affiliations, Executive Education diplomas in nutrition, and health counseling certificates from accredited institutions and universities. They also have additional training in functional medicine and expertise in functional nutrition and lifestyle, allowing them to collaborate with our physicians to find the best way to treat the root causes of symptoms through diet, exercise, stress management, and emotional well-being.

Most of our health therapists study the science of behavior change and motivational interviewing as part of their academic programs or additional certifications. This enables them to best support clients in making long-term lifestyle changes that will benefit them in achieving their health and well-being goals.

Furthermore, each health therapist at MajaMayo Center undergoes extensive training during their integration into the team, regardless of their prior education.

This training includes:

• A 12-week clinical program with in-depth educational modules on topics such as the gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, autoimmunity, women’s hormone health and fertility, cardiometabolic health, and mental health, taught from both the physician and health therapist perspectives.

• Learning modules on how to understand the flow of client visits, case study observation, and independent case simulation under the guidance of a practitioner. They are evaluated on these cases and have live discussions with mentors about their performance.

• Thorough testing of their knowledge at the end of the training.

What do health & wellness therapists do?

A health & wellness therapist focuses on physical, emotional, and mental health goals. Their primary objective is to assist you in developing habits that align with and enhance your overall lifestyle. They aid you in achieving specific personal objectives, such as adopting healthier eating habits, reducing stress, or quitting smoking. A health therapist strives to create sustainable improvements in your overall well-being and health through lifestyle changes. They achieve this by helping you transition to a routine that prioritizes your health and well-being.

How do I know if I need a health & wellness therapist?

On average, it takes about 66 days to form a new habit. People typically work with a health & wellness therapist for 2-6 months to achieve the best results. If you’re trying to adopt multiple new habits simultaneously, it will take longer to work with the therapist. Sessions can last from 15 minutes to one hour.

Acknowledging the need for help and support is the first step. Everyone needs the assistance of a Health & Wellness therapist, regardless of age or gender.

What are common situations in which people seek Health & Wellness therapy?

1. Learning effective stress management techniques.

2. Increasing energy and motivation.

3. Finding a sustainable weight loss plan.

4. Prioritizing self-care and nurturing.

5. Improving dietary habits.

6. Boosting physical activity or enjoying activities you love.

7. Enhancing body image.

8. Adapting after a serious illness, accident, or diagnosis.

9. Achieving work-life balance.

10. Cultivating a more positive outlook on life.

11. Developing mental resilience.

How does coaching differ from therapy?

Therapy (also known as psychotherapy, counseling, or “talk therapy”) shares some similarities with coaching. Both use evidence-based techniques and conscious dialogue as fundamental tools for growth and discovery, but there are also key distinctions between these services: Coaching predominantly focuses on the present and future, while therapy addresses the past, present, and future. Coaching is oriented towards personal development and professional advancement, while therapy is designed to help you navigate deeper issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma.

Fitness & mindful movement

What does a mental health assessment include?

The assessment includes the following:

Mental Health Interview: A psychotherapist will talk to you about your mental health, including your emotional state, mood, stress factors, anxiety, depression, or other mental challenges you may be facing.

Medical History: The therapist will ask you about your medical history, including previous diagnoses, medications you’re taking, and any genetic factors that may affect your mental health.

Symptom Assessment: The conversation will involve assessing and understanding your symptoms to determine the extent and nature of your mental challenges. This may involve evaluating anxiety, depression, stress, or other psychological symptoms.

Goals and Expectations: You’ll discuss your goals and expectations for mental health treatment. This will help the therapist create a personalized plan that aligns with your needs and desires.

Individual Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment and conversation, the therapist will create an individual mental health treatment plan. This plan may include therapy, psychological techniques, stress management strategies, lifestyle changes, and potentially incorporating supplements if needed.

Which symptoms do we treat at MajaMayo Center?

  • Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
  • Changes in appetite – weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue
  • Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., inability to sit still, pacing, handwringing) or slowed movements or speech (these actions must be severe enough to be observable by others)
  • Feeling worthless or guilty
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Feeling hopeless

How often should I meet with a psychotherapist?

The frequency of visits is individual. Depending on the severity of the issue, treatment can last for several weeks or much longer. In many cases, significant improvement can be achieved within 10 to 15 sessions.

Regular monitoring and evaluation of treatment are part of the process to ensure that you are making progress and that the treatment plan is adjusted to your individual development and needs.

What is relaxation?

Relaxation is a skill that involves techniq ues for calming the body and soothing the mind (meditation, yoga, mindful movement, or conscious movement). Relaxation techniques can be as simple as deep breathing or as complex as a 16-step progressive muscle relaxation program.

Relaxation requires practice, time, and patience. Begin by setting aside any expectations of how you should or shouldn’t feel. Dedicate time to mindful practice and regularly experiment with these strategies. As your skill increases, you may notice that you can achieve a state of relaxation more quickly.

Some of the relaxation techniques practiced at Majamayo center include: relaxed breathing, meditation, mindful movement, and yoga.

Relaxed breathing involves using the diaphragm for breathing, even in stressful situations. It’s a learned relaxation technique, so practice is needed to master it. The goal is to slow down your breathing, take in more oxygen, and reduce the use of the muscles in the shoulders, neck, and upper chest while breathing. This helps you breathe more efficiently.

Mental health

What is mental health?

Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, and helps us determine how we cope with stress, relate to others, and make decisions.

Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood. Throughout life, if you experience mental health issues, it can impact your thinking, mood, and behavior.

What does a mental health assessment include?

The assessment includes the following:

Mental Health Interview: A psychotherapist will talk to you about your mental health, including your emotional state, mood, stress factors, anxiety, depression, or other mental challenges you may be facing.

Medical History: The therapist will ask you about your medical history, including previous diagnoses, medications you’re taking, and any genetic factors that may affect your mental health.

Symptom Assessment: The conversation will involve assessing and understanding your symptoms to determine the extent and nature of your mental challenges. This may involve evaluating anxiety, depression, stress, or other psychological symptoms.

Goals and Expectations: You’ll discuss your goals and expectations for mental health treatment. This will help the therapist create a personalized plan that aligns with your needs and desires.

Individual Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment and conversation, the therapist will create an individual mental health treatment plan. This plan may include therapy, psychological techniques, stress management strategies, lifestyle changes, and potentially incorporating supplements if needed.

Which symptoms do we treat at MajaMayo Center?

  • Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
  • Changes in appetite – weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue
  • Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., inability to sit still, pacing, handwringing) or slowed movements or speech (these actions must be severe enough to be observable by others)
  • Feeling worthless or guilty
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Feeling hopeless

How often should I meet with a psychotherapist?

The frequency of visits is individual. Depending on the severity of the issue, treatment can last for several weeks or much longer. In many cases, significant improvement can be achieved within 10 to 15 sessions.

Regular monitoring and evaluation of treatment are part of the process to ensure that you are making progress and that the treatment plan is adjusted to your individual development and needs.

What is relaxation?

Relaxation is a skill that involves techniq ues for calming the body and soothing the mind (meditation, yoga, mindful movement, or conscious movement). Relaxation techniques can be as simple as deep breathing or as complex as a 16-step progressive muscle relaxation program.

Relaxation requires practice, time, and patience. Begin by setting aside any expectations of how you should or shouldn’t feel. Dedicate time to mindful practice and regularly experiment with these strategies. As your skill increases, you may notice that you can achieve a state of relaxation more quickly.

Some of the relaxation techniques practiced at Majamayo center include: relaxed breathing, meditation, mindful movement, and yoga.

Relaxed breathing involves using the diaphragm for breathing, even in stressful situations. It’s a learned relaxation technique, so practice is needed to master it. The goal is to slow down your breathing, take in more oxygen, and reduce the use of the muscles in the shoulders, neck, and upper chest while breathing. This helps you breathe more efficiently.

How does coaching differ from therapy?

Therapy (also known as psychotherapy, counseling, or “talk therapy”) shares some similarities with coaching. Both use evidence-based techniques and conscious dialogue as fundamental tools for growth and discovery, but there are also key distinctions between these services: Coaching predominantly focuses on the present and future, while therapy addresses the past, present, and future. Coaching is oriented towards personal development and professional advancement, while therapy is designed to help you navigate deeper issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma.

Complementary therapies

What is meditation?

Meditation has existed for thousands of years and comes in various forms.

Relaxation meditation focuses on a single object. This can be achieved through deep breathing, repeating a word or phrase, or visualizing a peaceful place.

Movement meditation involves physical movement, which can be free-form or highly structured. Yoga, Tai chi, and Qi gong are examples of movement meditation.

Possible benefits of meditation include:

• Meditation can help reduce stress or stress associated with allergies, asthma, chronic pain, and arthritis.

• Meditation can aid in anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and heart disease when used in conjunction with other treatments.

Meditation is often combined with other treatments. Research on meditation is limited.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a type of meditation. It teaches you to focus your attention entirely on the present moment without judgment. The goal is to help you experience and accept everyday life with a sense of calmness and well-being. Create a routine that suits you and commit to it.

Meditating just fifteen minutes a day is enough to notice significant changes over time.

Possible benefits of mindfulness include:

• Mindfulness can be used to treat anxiety, pain, depression, stress, insomnia, and other symptoms associated with chronic illnesses.

Research is being conducted on the impact of mindfulness in treating chronic pain and alleviating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

What is Yoga?

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years in India. The goal of yoga is to achieve complete peace in the body and mind through behavior, diet, and meditation. Hatha yoga, the most popular form in our context, uses physical postures and breathing exercises to promote relaxation and meditation.

Possible benefits of yoga include:

• Provides a way to relax and reduce stress.

• Can increase your flexibility, which may help with certain health issues.

• Yoga can help control high blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma.

• It can aid in depression when combined with other therapies.

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy uses essential oils to help restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Pleasant scents have an invigorating effect on the body and can be used at work, at home, or during travel. Fragrances are known for their relaxing properties.

Possible benefits of aromatherapy include:

• It can alleviate pain and nausea, reduce anxiety, help with depression and stress, and provide a sense of well-being.

There is limited scientific research on the benefits of aromatherapy.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a method of traditional medicine.

The word originates from Japanese where Reiki translates as: Rei – Universal, Divine, Life Ki – energy.

Harmonization of mental and emotional processes through calmness, relaxation, stress reduction. Establishing harmony of body, mind, and spirit, thus enhancing the overall quality of life.

It is based on the use of Universal life energy.

What is Universal life energy? We often use the word “energy” to describe a certain state: “I am full of energy,” “I don’t have enough energy,” “I’ve spent all my energy on…,” “I feel an influx of energy,” etc. What kind of energy are we always talking about? It is an energy that originates in the Universe, it is omnipresent, supports the functioning of the Universe, and thus all forms of life on Earth; without it, no physiological process in a living organism occurs.

Scientific research has shown that an average person typically receives 5-10% of Life energy from their surroundings, while the use of the Reiki method allows an influx of 90-100% of Life energy into the body. Reiki influences the human body directly through the energy channel and the biofield, as well as through the endocrine system.

When a person’s biofield is full of Life energy, it becomes well-organized. Energy creates well-organized DNA and RNA which, under the influence of Reiki, create a basis for the proper functioning of enzymes and protein synthesis, as well as cell division. When cells function well, glands, organs, and tissues function well, keeping the organism in good condition.

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