
Science and experience show us that what we intake through our diet has a significant impact on our overall health, and that chronic diseases are linked to our lifestyle. Instead of providing temporary or short-term solutions, we offer our clients a comprehensive and authentic experience focused on changing their lifestyle and achieving a healthy way of living.

Our nutritionists will help you to:

Safely lose about 3 to 5 kilograms in the first two weeks
Receive a personalized meal plan
Replace unhealthy habits with new and healthy ones
Stay focused and persistent in your goals
Adopt a new, healthier way of living


Review by a nutritionist

Whether you are struggling with excess weight or aiming to maintain your weight, our goal is to assist you in achieving your desired weight and a healthier lifestyle by embracing small positive changes.

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The focus of the Majamayo diet plan is on changing your habits – eliminating unhealthy habits that have led to weight gain and replacing them with new and healthy ones. You will feel much better – both in terms of your weight and your overall health.

We believe in personalized care for the whole person, as we are confident that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why all our diet plans are personalized and tailored to individual tastes and lifestyles.

We will prepare a personalized meal plan for you based on your unique health, life, and energy needs. We will help you stay focused and persistent in your goals, speeding up weight loss and achieving your desired weight.

Mindful eating program

Using awareness-based research, techniques, and tools, we’ll work together to develop a healthy relationship with food while working toward whatever goals you have for your unique body.

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How does this help?

• Weight management (weight loss, weight gain, maintenance)
• Exhaustion, burnout, low energy
• Lab results outside of the healthy range (high cholesterol, high blood sugar, low iron, etc.)
• Chronic yo-yo dieting (restriction, strict dieting, unsustainable plans)
• Lack of conscious eating (overeating, undereating, overeating, emotional eating)
• Healthy routines, habit building and lifestyle transformation
• Transform the way you think, eat and achieve balance with food.

This is for you if you know that chronic yo-yo dieting, food stress, and feeling powerless about food are no longer an option for you… and you’re ready for a change. You’re ready to empower yourself, take deep self-care, take concerted action, and live a life where food can be an enjoyment of your experience!

Metabolic Health

We use a combination of therapeutic interventions that address all of the client’s needs – chronic pain, high blood pressure, weight management, weight loss, hormonal imbalance, or finding balance in life.

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In order to take control of their health, reassess their choices, and transform their lives, we provide clients with necessary advice, tools, and motivation.

We place special emphasis on nutrition as the foundation for addressing many health issues, as in many cases, it’s highly likely that dietary changes and lifestyle interventions can prevent, treat, and even reverse common chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and much more.

Athlete Nutrition

Our team of nutritionists has extensive experience in working with athletes of all levels, from recreational to professional. Our goal is to provide you with personalized nutrition plans that are tailored to your goals, workouts and individual needs. Our expertise in nutrition is your key to achieving top sports results.

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Our nutritionists will help you to:

  • Lose the pounds
  • Build muscle mass
  • You increase energy
  • Keep in top shape

Group Therapy - Support Groups

Our team of experts has a deep understanding of the importance of group dynamics in achieving health and well-being. We offer a variety of support groups and therapies, tailored to the different needs of our members. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive space where you can work together with others to improve your life.

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Group Therapies: Our therapists lead groups addressing various topics such as stress, anxiety, depression, weight management, and many others. Sharing experiences and learning from other members can be extremely beneficial.

Support Groups: In addition to therapy, we also offer support groups where members can share their challenges and successes. This is an ideal place to build connections and motivation. Together, we can achieve more. Whether you’re dealing with emotional challenges, stress, or simply want to connect with people who share your goals, our groups are here to support you.

Book your spot in our therapy and support groups today. If you have any questions or want to learn more about our groups, feel free to contact us. Your well-being is our priority, and we look forward to being part of your journey to health and happiness.

Interested in scheduling an online consultation with a nutritionist?

What is the Majamayo Way of Eating?

The Majamayo Way represents a long-term dietary plan based on adopting simple changes that are easy to adhere to. By replacing unhealthy habits with new, healthy ones in your daily routine, you will achieve your desired body weight more easily and quickly, while maintaining it in the long run.

The more bad habits you eliminate, the more weight you will lose. Small daily changes become habits. These habits become a routine, and eventually that routine becomes your way of life.

In the end, you will become skilled at managing your diet and daily activities. The goal of the program is to bring you to a point where you have complete control and possess the skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As your new eating and physical activity habits become routine, you will naturally choose food and activities that involve healthy options.

What our clients say about us



What is intuitive eating and how can our nutritionists help you change this habit?

Essentially, we are all born as intuitive beings. As infants, we are mostly unconcerned with the nuances of macronutrients and micronutrients. We eat when we’re hungry. When we’re full, we stop eating (and usually fall asleep). Cognitively, we aren’t even aware of the concept of hunger or that choices exist on how to satisfy it until a later developmental process. Also, we blissfully remain unaware of others’ opinions about our habits and weight.

Intuitive eating takes this simple and straightforward approach by prioritizing your internal cues over external food rules.

Our nutritionists and health & wellness trainers will work with you to help change this habit that negatively impacts not only your appearance but also your health.

The goal isn’t to change the numbers on the scale but to transform our relationship with our bodies – and with food.

Intuitive eating is a lifestyle based on the principle that you should eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re satisfied. Sounds simple, right? While the idea seems simple, we’re all tired of constant instructions about what to eat, when, and how much. If you want to lose weight, improve your diet, or shape your body, MajaMayo therapists and nutritionists will help you achieve your desired goal through the process of lifestyle habit changes.

What education do MajaMayo therapists have in nutrition and dietetics?

Our nutrition therapists hold degrees from accredited institutions and universities, such as master’s degrees in food technology, Harvard Medical School, an Executive Education diploma in nutrition, and a Mayo Clinic certificate in health counseling. They also have additional training in functional medicine and expertise in functional nutrition and lifestyle, which means they can collaborate with our physicians to find the best way to address the root causes of symptoms through diet, exercise, stress management, and emotional well-being.

Most of our therapists study the science of behavior change and motivational interviewing as part of their academic programs or additional certifications. This allows them to best support clients in making long-term lifestyle changes that will benefit them in achieving their health and well-being goals.

Furthermore, each health therapist at MajaMayo Center undergoes extensive training during their integration into the team, regardless of their prior education.
This training includes:

• A 12-week clinical program with in-depth educational modules on topics such as the gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, autoimmunity, women’s hormone health and fertility, cardiometabolic health, and mental health, taught from both the physician and health therapist perspectives.

• Learning modules on how to understand the flow of client visits, case study observation, and independent case simulation under the guidance of a practitioner. They are evaluated on these cases and have live discussions with mentors about their performance.

• Thorough testing of their knowledge at the end of the training.

How do we help you improve your mood through nutrition?

When someone is feeling down, what’s the first question you ask? For most people, it’s “Are you okay?” or “What happened?” But with increasing research on the link between diet and mental health, a better question might be “What did you eat?”

It’s long been known that what we eat impacts our physical health. Now there’s strong evidence showing that diet and mental health are also tightly connected. In fact, there’s a clear correlation between our diet and our mood.

Several studies have established a connection between what we eat and how we feel.

A meta-analysis examining 21 studies from 10 countries found that a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids was associated with a reduced risk of depression. A 2019 study investigating the diet of older adults found a link between anxiety and high sugar intake. A small yet significant 2017 study found that dietary counseling was more effective than social support when paired with depression treatment.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Majamayo Diet Plan

The advantages of our diet plan lie in its focus on long-term positive weight loss and maintenance results, achieved through a combination of quality nutrition, mandatory exercise, and changes in dietary and lifestyle habits.

A key advantage of weight loss at the Majamayo center is our encouragement of food intake and enjoyment, which differs from many other diets that emphasize deprivation. All types of foods are allowed, with an emphasis on preparing food with less fat, ensuring the intake of all necessary macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Most of the foods used in this diet are available in larger supermarkets. Some items on the menu should be prepared using different recipes, but the calorie count is indicated, giving the person on the diet the flexibility to replace one food item with another of similar calorie content.

Disadvantages of the Majamayo diet are that it might create dissatisfaction among individuals looking to lose a significant amount of weight quickly, as is the case with restrictive diets, even though such diets typically yield short-term weight loss effects. Additionally, those who are not willing to change their dietary and lifestyle habits could also be unsatisfied.

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