Secrets of the Longest-Living People


Nov 3, 2023

These regions are unique because they have the highest percentage of centenarians living in them. They include Okinawa in Japan, Ikaria in Greece, Sardinia in Italy, Nicoya in Costa Rica,and Loma Linda in California.

A Danish study found that genetics only accounts for 20% of longevity, while 80% isattributed to lifestyle factors.
What do people in Blue Zones do differently from the rest of the world?
Long-term research into the lifestyles of people in these areas has identified 9 key factors for longevity.
1. Physical Activity – People in Blue Zones don’t engage in rigorous workouts but spend time in environments that naturally promote physical activity, such as gardening,farming, household chores, and spending more time in nature.
2. Find Your Purpose – Those who have found their purpose and can answer the question, “Why do I wake up in the morning?” tend to live an average of 7 years longer.
3. Stress Control – Of course, people in Blue Zones also experience stress, often related to chronic inflammation and age-related illnesses. What sets the world’s longest-living individuals apart is their stress-relief routines. Depending on the Blue Zone,residents practice meditation, prayer, afternoon napping, or set aside daily time for fulfilling activities.
4. The 80% Rule – In terms of diet, Blue Zone inhabitants follow the 80% rule, which means they eat until they are 80% full, helping them maintain a healthy body weight
and feel lighter.
5. Plant-Based Eating – In Blue Zones, the diet is primarily plant-based, including legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, with meat consumption limited to no
more than 5 times a month and in smaller portions.

6. Moderate Alcohol Consumption – Residents of Blue Zones consume alcohol moderately, often wine, with meals or in the company of family and friends.
7. Sense of Belonging – A strong sense of community belonging and involvement in religious communities is essential to them. One study showed that regular
attendance at religious services can extend life expectancy by up to 14 years.
8. Family and Friends – Social interaction and commitment to family, partners, children, and friends significantly affect life expectancy and the emotional and mental well-being of Blue Zone residents.
9. Environment – Belonging to social circles that support healthy behaviors. For example, Okinawa residents form “moais,” groups of five friends who are lifelong
allies. Research has shown that habits and conditions such as smoking, obesity, happiness, and even loneliness can be contagious within social circles. Social circles in
Blue Zones have a significant impact on their health and longevity.

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