Exercises: More than Just Calorie Burning

Aug 24, 2023

If you want to lose weight, you’ve probably heard that you need to “eat less and exercise more.” The more you exercise, the more calories you burn, and the more weight you lose. But it turns out that the effects of physical activity on human physiology can be much more complex than that.

In a recent report published in Current Biology, researchers investigated the relationship between exercise and “energy expenditure” (burned calories). The study tracked the physical activity and corresponding total energy expenditure of 322 men and women in North America and Africa.

What the researchers found was somewhat surprising. Physical activity did increase energy expenditure as expected, but only to a certain extent. Physical activity was monitored using accelerometers, which measure the amounts of “movement units” per minute per day, taking into account both motion and speed. At lower levels of activity, increasing the number of counts per minute per day did raise energy expenditure. However, due to higher average counts per minute per day, increasing frequency didn’t further increase energy expenditure, indicating a plateau effect. So, in this study, after a certain point, more exercise didn’t necessarily equate to more energy burned. Based on their findings, the researchers of the study call on us to reconsider the current public health message that more exercise means more energy, as it’s not always the case.

Regardless of these study findings, whether you’re not yet ready for a New Year’s exercise routine or you’re already a dedicated exerciser, it’s important to know that the benefits of regular physical activity go beyond burning calories. For instance, 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week can significantly reduce the risk of premature death. How? It opens blood vessels by lowering resting blood pressure and heart rate and increasing nitric oxide levels. It can also raise good HDL cholesterol levels and lower bad LDL cholesterol levels. Additionally, regular physical activity enhances insulin sensitivity. This is particularly crucial for people with diabetes and can also help you fend off the disease.

Exercise can also help enhance our cognitive abilities – indeed, what’s good for the heart is good for the brain. Studies have shown that regular exercise can actually increase the size of the hippocampus, the brain area associated with memory. There are important mental health benefits too. Research indicates that for some people with depression, exercise can improve mood and symptoms akin to medication. Moreover, even just five minutes of exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety in individuals.

If you’re trying to lose weight, exercise is a crucial part of a healthy weight loss approach. Moderate physical activity can help you burn more calories. The good news is you don’t have to train for a marathon to stay fit. But perhaps even more importantly, regardless of your waistline, regular exercise can do much more. It would take almost ten medications to replicate all the benefits contained in “exercise.”

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