Freedom | Independence | Responsibility

Aug 25, 2023

How to agree when everyone has their own definition of freedom? We’re pondering three words and how they interconnect: Freedom, Independence, and Responsibility.

Complete freedom isn’t possible where people live together. No one can have their way all the time. What’s independence for one person might be a constraint for another.

We want choice in making independent decisions. But there comes responsibility. Society’s role is to balance freedom and independence with responsibility. That’s what we learn – or not – as we grow up.

Rules’ role is to balance freedom with responsibility, so the majority of society can make decisions within a reasonable framework. You can’t isolate any of these words because you don’t live on an island alone. And if you did, birds and animals might not agree with you.

We need to have freedom, independence, and responsibility within the framework of rules for society to function.

We must be responsible for our actions. We must be examples to our children, neighbors, and the world.

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