Habits for a Healthy Life

Jul 7, 2023

Experts claim that a longer, healthier, and more meaningful life can be achieved by adopting specific habits and behaviors. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we are currently facing several health challenges, including an increasing rate of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. However, in recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on health, with more people prioritizing physical activity, healthy eating, and mental well-being.

These 5 healthy habits will help you live longer:

1. Balanced Diet and Hydration

Throughout history, various diets, from simple to utterly absurd, have come and gone. You’ve surely encountered a few of them. However, a simple diet consisting of whole, clean, and plant-based foods is one of the best ways to improve health and extend lifespan. According to a meta-analysis, daily consumption of leafy greens can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 15.8%. This strategy involves limiting processed foods, sugary beverages, pastries, and cakes, while increasing intake of fresh fruits, whole grains, and nuts.

While changing your diet might be challenging, you can start with small steps and simple substitutions.

Use whole grains instead of white rice, pasta, and white bread
Replace salty chips with nuts or popcorn.
Opt for unsweetened coffee or tea instead of sugary energy drinks.
Make pizza with homemade dough and fresh vegetables instead of calorie-laden and sodium-rich frozen options.

It’s widely recognized that consuming more fruits and vegetables aids in delaying the onset of chronic diseases. Always remember to eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods with a rainbow of colors to maximize nutrient diversity!

2. Stay Active

Are you someone who cancels early morning workouts for a few extra minutes of sleep? Motivate yourself to get moving, as physical activity, even in small amounts, can extend your lifespan. Physical activity is arguably the most crucial thing you can do for your health, right after maintaining a balanced diet. Your heart and circulation gradually improve with regular exercise. Oxygen levels in your body increase due to enhanced blood flow. Regular exercise enhances mood and creativity, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and ultimately extends life. Even at work, it’s advisable to avoid immediate work after lunch or dinner, increase water intake, and monitor health using a fitness tracker or watch.

Studies have shown that even if weight doesn’t change, obese individuals can reduce their chance of premature death by 30% or more by being physically active and improving their fitness.

You don’t need to start running marathons immediately to incorporate exercise into your life. Experts recommend aiming for 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, or about 30 minutes of brisk walking, cycling, or any other moderate movement. A simple way to start is by asking a friend to take a daily walk together.

3. Practice Positive Thinking

“You can’t have a positive life with a negative mind.” – Joyce Meyer.

Positive thinking has a more significant impact than you might imagine. According to recent research, a positive outlook on life can lead to 11-15% longer and healthier lifespans by reducing heart rate, stress, and anxiety, and enhancing resilience.

It doesn’t take much to adopt and nurture positivity. Here are some important tips to start with:

Keep a gratitude journal. Make it a habit to write down three things you’re thankful for every day.
Surround yourself with positive people. You’ll be surprised by how your habits and personality can influence the people you spend time with.
Embrace encouraging affirmations. Use positive affirmations to foster an optimistic and constructive view of life.
Prevention of Chronic Anxiety and Stress

Stress and anxiety can significantly shorten life. For instance, diseases like heart disease, stroke, or lung cancer are said to be up to twice as likely to kill individuals under stress or anxiety.

Did you know that individuals experiencing stress are three times more likely to die prematurely compared to those who are more relaxed? Laughter and optimism can be two key remedies against stress. According to research, individuals who are more pessimistic than optimistic have a 42% higher risk of premature death. A positive outlook on life and laughter can reduce stress and potentially extend your life.

4. Establish a Healthy Sleep Schedule

Sleep is essential for cell maintenance and body healing. More importantly, sleep deprivation can eventually harm overall well-being and longevity. Research indicates that getting five or fewer hours of sleep per night can increase mortality risk by up to 15%.

Regular sleep habits, such as going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time every day, are likely associated with a longer lifespan. Moreover, the amount of sleep we get appears to matter, as both too little and too much sleep can be harmful.

For instance, sleeping more than 8-9 hours per night can shorten life by up to 38%, while sleeping less than 5-7 hours per night increases the risk of premature death by 12%. Inadequate sleep also increases the chances of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, while simultaneously fostering inflammation. All of these factors are linked to a shorter lifespan.

You are much more likely to live longer if you adhere to these healthy lifestyle habits.

5. Communicate

Set aside at least five minutes each day to see or talk to friends. If you can’t meet a friend or loved one in person, screen time can actually be beneficial as it allows for video conversations. Face-to-face interaction is always better, but any form of socialization that helps you feel supported can alleviate loneliness and the sense of isolation, which are linked to reduced cognitive abilities, depression, heart attacks, strokes, and premature death.

If contacting friends or loved ones daily is challenging due to schedules, make an effort to communicate with passersby or colleagues at work. For example, you can easily start a conversation with a cashier at the store by asking how their day went, showing genuine interest, and volunteering information about your own day.

A smile and genuine connection can mean a lot for your health and the health of those you encounter. You might even form new friendships!

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